Friday, January 9, 2009

Access Context Menu Strip

So, I had a problem with a context menu not having a filter for label and text box, similar to the menu in any MS Access table or query. So I made one. Some of the functionality is incomplete, but it seems everyone is looking for it. There is a Filter For label and text box (a user control) and the context menu is a custom control.

There are a few side notes:
  • The Cut,Copy, Paste are all not valid because I have no use for them in my application. Although there is code for Copy, but couldn't figure out all the logic.
  • The Filter For covers integers, booleans and strings, all based on the columns data type and the information stored in the first row of the column. The date data type and dbnull values have not been evaluated in that procedure. But I don't have a problem with other people doing the work and returning with the answer. :-)
  • This only currently works with data grid views that have data tables as the data source. All of the filtering is done by the control and the form does not need to handle any of those events.
  • The solution which is zipped, as well as the DLL, were both written in VB .Net 2.0 using Visual Studio 2008. Adding the project or at least the code files to your project will give you the same functionality as referencing the DLL.

Feel free to download it and let me know what you think.

Additional, link:

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